Friday 6 April 2007

'Proper' Crafting!

Today, I have handed over a piece of 'Proper Crafting'!!! I've made a couple of these before now, both wedding ones, but this is the first baby picture I've done.

I've been feeling yucky today, hence the lack of craft related waffle! Tomorrow is another day, as they say, so hopefully I'll feel more in the mood, less tired and more inclined to craft! There are a few cards and projects I'd like to try, so all being well, I will be able to report back and let you know that I have actually done something positive!
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Esther said...

Gorgeous! I love it! Have you seen that ladies work is it sarah lunn? or something? she does work on tags... I was recently part of a tag swap, and am the rpiud owner of different tags in the letters of the alphabet... now I just need to use them! Do you use a normal frame? or do you have to use something special?

Lynne said...

Awww, this is sooooo gorgeous and a great gift idea.