Friday 16 February 2007

16th Feb - Signs of Early Addiction?

Well, here we are at 04.30am on a Friday morning, and I find myself awake and letting you know about it!

Could this be the sign of an early (in both number of days and hours on the clock!) addiction? Surely not - on my 2nd day? Well, if it is, its a side effect I can do without, unlike my bed which I like too much to sacrifice for this scrapping lark!

I kept waking up thinking of photos I might be able to use, and papers they would go with...and then it got to ribbons...and brads...and stickers...and flowers...and colours...methinks my page maybe somewhat crammed!

Blimey! I really didn't expect this! Scrapping has me in its clutches and I'm powerless to resist...lack of sleep certainly doesn't help!

So, here I find myself on the sofa with a big mug of Horlicks and a sleeping, snoring Lucy on my leg. Lucy is my pooch, to avoid any further confusion...and any strange images which might have popped into your head!

Just heard from UK Scrappers that I have been given a 'mummy' to look after me. She is called Becs and sounds very nice, but I do wonder if she has any idea what she has let herself in for with me as a member of her scrappy family? My own mother still struggles with me and despairs at times, so I do hope I won't be responsible for Becs going grey too! Mind you, Lori seems to put up with me and my ramblings...but that is by email and we have only known each other for over a year now, (she is probably thinking 'it seems so much longer than that'!!) so there is still time for her to change her mind!

Lori is fab, for you folks who need to know. She is a good laugh, does funky LO's (Lay Outs...I'm picking up the scrapping lingo as I go along!) and has fast become a very good friend. She put up with a daft New Year drunken phone greeting...and laughed (with me or at me, I'm not sure!) about it afterwards, even though I was probably loud and incoherent! A good way to introduce yourself to your email friend to whom you had not previously spoken to until this point! She cheers me up and sends me the most fantastic parcels of goodies, with, of course, the obligatory cat hairs! (She gets dog hairs in her parcels, by return!) All in all, she is great and has taught me a lot about card making and scrapping and is always there to encourage me. We also have a mutual dislike of Dawn Bibby, a fact which both bonded and cemented the friendship quicker than anything else! More ramblings about the Bibby to come as I progress down the road to scrappy heaven!

I have just read a thread on UKS whereby someone is talking about sketches. Now, I thought this was a drawing someone did and used on their LO - nice fruit bowl, landscape, etc - but it seems I am mistaken! Sketches, it would seem, are to give inspiration on LO's. Well, looking good to me, as it looks like you gather all your stuff together and follow the instructions! Very easy! I think this might be a good way to start, so I will probably do this until I have the confidence to let myself loose on a page with my own creativity! Until then, I'll borrow someone else's...and I will post the links for you to do the same!

Until later...*yawn*!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Stop stop, you're making me blush!! Seems like you're enjoying the blogging and I'm sure you'll be fab at the scrapping!