Tuesday 20 February 2007

Feb 20th - Grrr!

OK, this is starting to get silly now. More ideas? No way! I've never had this many ideas at one time for...well, I don't know how long now!

I have just realised its my Bro's birthday on Saturday...that's a card to make there.

I have been asked to make some Easter cards...more cards there.

I have to make some Mothers Day cards...more cards there too!

Why are there only 24 hours in a day? Lori has offered to set me deadlines, which in theory is a very good idea, but in reality I think she will be a hard task master and will be cracking the email whip!

I have had an idea for my bro's card which will also incorporate the DCM challenge, so I can tick 2 things off the list at once...hopefully!

Further to yesterday's ATC musings, I think I've found a way around the problem of finding a starting point...Inchies! What are they? Well, Inchies are what they say...a 1" square card, decorated as you wish. Apparently they are also very addictive...and they also appear to be a lot easier to make than ATC's. If the Inchies work out, then I may be able to adapt them to ATC size! Excellent!

I will post the results on here, as and when they are completed...but have just realised...this is another 'To Do' for my rapidly growing list!

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